Meta-scenario for distributed work in fashion

Source: Proposta Verde

Design and Sustainability Research Center (UFPR) 
Proposta Verde
CompetencesProduct-Service System (PSS)Distributed EconomyDesign for Sustainability
Work opportunities to promote more equity and social cohesion to women in vulnerable situationsThe pandemic caused by COVID-19 deepened the economic and social discrepancies, resulting in an increasing number of woman in situations of social vulnerability. 
Project GoalsThe project aimed to explore meta-scenarios for distributed work in the fashion sector with a small company specialized in ecodesign accessories, considering:
Environmental - integrating the company Ecodesign approach.Social - promoting work opportunities for local craftswomen in situations of social vulnerability.Economic - enabling remote and distributed work due to the pandemic context.
Mapping current scenario and key requirements:
Key propositions:
The concept selected for the S.PSS meta-scenario proposition was called 'Raízes Program' an enabling platform for sustainability-oriented projects. It is a complementary offer in the portfolio of the partner company for fashion or accessories companies that are looking for a strategic and operational partner to invest in projects and don't have the know-how or the infrastructure. Through this program, the companies will have the opportunity to run projects basedon a business model which shifts the focus from selling products to offering a combination of products and services developed in conjunction with a distributed network of woman artisans from local communities distributed along different Brazilian regions and with the final user's/customers. Also, the program aims to promote projects that help strengthen woman's self-esteem and creative expression and rescue the stories and culture of local communities. 
The contributions supported the company "Musas Coletivo" project which received the DESIGN FOR A BETTER WORLD AWARD 2021.